My wife told me about the first #IgniteMPLS “extreme presentations” event that was coming to Minneapolis last month (April 22, 2009) and before I really realized it, I had signed up to do a presentation on “HD Home Theater on the Cheap.” It went well. The event was a huge success — a rowdy free-beer-drinking, ADD-twittering, iPhone-checking, exited-gabbing, madhouse of an oversold success — and I’d do it again and would encourage anyone else to give it a shot as well. The videos don’t really do the live event justice, but are a much more useful experience for viewing the actual content, so take a peek at the various videos online and check out the crazy twitter stream if you want to see the running commentary. Oh, and I was tweeted as “the Micro Machines guy” and an “AV auctioneer.” I think those are good?