Photoshop User has posted A Quick Look at the New Features in Photoshop CS3, Public Beta Preview, which Adobe made available today for your perusal.
It would appear that Adobe has made some major improvements without wrecking the effectiveness of the existing product version. The Camera RAW and Bridge features alone are probably worth the upgrade. BUT… keep in mind that this is a BETA preview and TWEAK does not recommend you use this on live production work. Install it on an external drive and mess around with it when you have the time. The new CS3 version will be released in Spring 2007.
MacWorld has also posted a CS3 preview article.
Note: You need to have a valid CS2 serial number for this beta or it will expire after two days. You computer also needs to be 10.4.8/XP SP 2 or newer and 1 Ghz G4 or faster. And it is about 750 megs in size so you’ll want high-speed internet!