Moving Into Motion with DSLRs

Moving Into Motion with DSLRs

Shooting video has been a passion of mine for many years now. But recently, many photographers, social media experts, non-profits, and marketers have been asking me about what it takes to “do video” for their websites or clients. Photographers, especially,...
Camera Firmware Updates

Camera Firmware Updates

Canon has finally released the long-awaited firmware update for the much-loved 5d Mark II HDSLR camera, giving it the required video frame rates of 24 and 25 frames per second and better audio control. 5d shooters the world over are breathing a sigh of relief as their...
Canon 5D Mark II with HD Video

Canon 5D Mark II with HD Video

Good morning! If the Canon 5D Mark II press release doesn’t get you revved up today, even without drinking your coffee, you might not have a pulse! The press release claims: “Along with the ability to capture full HD video clips at 1920 x 1080 resolution,...