Best iPhone Photo Apps

Best iPhone Photo Apps

I finally threw caution to the wind and bought a bunch of iPhone photo apps the other day and thought others might find a review useful. The thing about the iPhone camera is that it is a low-end camera and, sometimes, not trying too hard actually makes it a hell of a...
Hitchcock Storyboarding

Hitchcock Storyboarding

Hitchcock – mobile storyboarding for your iPhone has been released on the App Store and it may well be the best $20 you’ll spend for your next creative production! Just imagine being able to take a snapshot of a character, location, scene, etc, and then...

Apple reinvents the phone

Apple today introduced the iPhone, perhaps your ultimate work/life digital assistant. Because it combines three products — a mobile phone, a widescreen iPod, and an “internet communications device with desktop-class email, Web browsing, searching and...