by Jeremy | Jun 4, 2010 | Commentary
Now that everything has been wrapped up in regards to the first Moving Into Motion DSLR Video Workshop, it is time for a brief recap. There was building tension in the community about still shooters being asked to “just shoot some video” on set and how to...
by Jeremy | Apr 28, 2010 | Featured, News
Shooting video has been a passion of mine for many years now. But recently, many photographers, social media experts, non-profits, and marketers have been asking me about what it takes to “do video” for their websites or clients. Photographers, especially,...
by Jeremy | Feb 10, 2010 | Deals, News
Canon just announced their new 18-megapixel T2i (also known as the 550D) digital SLR with 1920×1080 24p HD video recording for only $799 (body only, $899 with kit lens). Filmmakers and video geeks are pretty excited. With all the desired video modes (24p, 25p,...